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札幌芸術の森  Sapporo Art Museum > Manuscripts from the Naito Collection in the National Museum of Western Art

Sapporo Art MuseumManuscripts from the Naito Collection in the National Museum of Western Art






















Francesco da Codigoro(Copyist), Giorgio d’Alemagna(Artist)

《Leaf from the Breviary of Leonello d’Este》Ferrara, Italy

1441-48 Colors, ink and gold on parchment

Naito Collection in the National Museum of Western Art

Don Simone Camaldolese(Artist)《Leaf from a Liturgical Psalter》 Florence, Italy ca. 1380 Colors, ink and gold on parchment Naito Collection in the National Museum of Western Art(Naganuma Fund)


Saint Louis Master (Mahiet) (?)(Artist)《Leaf from the Saint Albans Bible》 Paris, France 1325-50 Colors, ink and gold on parchment  Naito Collection in the National Museum of Western Art


《Leaf from a Psalter》 Northern France (?) 1270s-80s Colors, ink and gold on parchment Naito Collection in the National Museum of Western Art



《Leaf from a Prayerbook》 Augsburg or Nuremberg (?), Southern Germany ca. 1524  Colors, ink gold and silver on parchment Naito Collection in the National Museum of Western Art



Manuscripts from the Naito Collection in the National Museum of Western Art

Exhibition period: September 7 (Sat.) - September 29 (Sun.), 2024
Opening time: From 9:45 to 17:00 (Last admission to the Museum is 30 min. before closing time.)

Sapporo Art Museum (2-75, Geijutsunomori, Minami-ku, Sapporo-shi)

View charges: 1,400 yen (Adults), 800 yen (College & High school students), 400 yen (Junior High school students & Elementary School students)
Closed days: none


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